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Records and Archives Specialist

Library of Congress



Washington, Dist. Columbia, United States

November 20, 2024

$99,200.00-$128,956.00,Yearly Salary



The records and archives specialist leads and coordinates activities relating to CRS's records and archives management programs, including program and policy advice and guidance, special project management, and consultation and liaison services. Candidates with knowledge of and the ability to apply the principles of records management, archival functions, and the organization, digitization, preservation, and security of these materials are encouraged to apply.


Knowledge of records management laws, regulations, programs, and processes.**

Ability to oversee records management functions.**

Knowledge of the principles, concepts, and techniques of archival work, including analysis, organization, and description of archival material.**

Ability to provide consultation and liaison services.**

Ability to plan and organize.

Ability to communicate effectively other than in writing.

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