Head of Access Services
Lewis & Clark College
Portland, Oregon, United States
6 days ago
The Medfield Memorial Public Library, located in the Metrowest suburbs of Boston, is seeking a Library Assistant to work in circulation services. Join our collaborative team!
This position performs all duties related to the Access Services department, including all traditional circulation duties and providing excellent customer service to all library users who enter the library or call on the phone. The ability to multitask while maintaining a friendly attitude is essential. The duties of this position include check-in/check-out of library items; recommending books, movies and other materials; assisting with locating items in the library and through the library system; shelving items on the main floor; placing holds; gathering books to fill holds; and a strong knowledge of both library and current technology.
This position requires the ability to deal in an effective and courteous manner with members of the general public on a daily basis, and to enjoy working with and possess the skills to interact with children, teens and adults in a professional manner.Â
First and foremost, this is a customer service position; patience, friendliness, and teamworking skills will be required. Applicants should be able to work well as a member of a team, and also have the flexibility to take on projects assigned by the Access Services Supervisor.
This is an approximately 15 hours per week, non benefited position. Hours will include at least one weekday shift and an alternating Saturday shift. Additional hours may be available- flexibility is important.
Required: High school diploma or equivalent. Possess a working knowledge of common office application software, computer hardware, and use of the internet as well as the capacity to adapt to new technologies.
Highly Recommended: BA or equivalent. Familiarity with Sierra ILS and Encore discovery platform. Experience providing excellent customer service in a fast paced work environment. Experience in library programming, marketing, computer troubleshooting and support. Familiarity with emerging library technologies and trends.
Part Time
Salary Notes
This position starts at $20.82/hr with annual step increases.
How to Apply
Please send a copy of your cover letter and resume to Moira Mills at [email protected]
Lewis & Clark College
Portland, Oregon, United States
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Boulder, Colorado, United States
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Wauconda Area Public Library
Wauconda, Illinois, United States
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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
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Manhattan, New York, United States
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