Library Media Specialist

Lowell High School



Lowell, Massachusetts, United States

November 21, 2024

Job Goal: To be responsible and accountable for the successful integration of school Library Media Centers into specific schools. The specialist will support teachers and students in the role of teacher, trainer, and consultant.

Performance Responsibilities: – To educate the staff about the role of the school library media center and stimulate teacher interest in using it. – To assist in the integration of library media skills into the curriculum by working with teachers on the development of specific classroom lessons to enhance teaching and learning. – To act as a consultant to teachers and staff on questions dealing with media and to advise faculty on the application of a broad spectrum of Library Media technology to instructional programs. – To present a sequential program of study and research skills which prepares students for conventional research demands as well as for the unique opportunities resulting from technilogical advances. – To give systematic instruction to both students and teachers in the use of audiovisual equipment including closed circuit tv, cable networks, on-line research, CD ROM research, and laser disk research. – To do whatever is necessary to firmly embed the effective use of Library Media into the specified school. – To keep the Head of School/Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum informed on issues, needs and the operation of the Library Media program in the specified school. – To rotate to different schools as directed by the Superintendent

Educational Leadership: – To keep abreast and informed of new and emerging technologies and their potential impact on successful instruction and learning. – To encourage and stimulate the search for effective and innovative educational methods of instruction. – To direct a comprehensive training program for teachers and administrators to include the mechanics of using various technologies, curriculum development, and the formulation of individual implementation plans. – To work closely with teachers and principals of each individual school to plan for staff and curriculum development to meet specific building needs


– Master’s degree in Library Media.

– Certification valid for service as a LIbrary Media Specialist in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

– At least 5 years in education, 3 years of which will be in the successful utilization of library media in a public school setting.

– Background in technology databases, google apps.

– Works with Building Principals, teachers, staff and administrator of education technologies.

Reports to: Head of School/Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum

How to Apply:

Access this site to apply, applications will be accepted until November 30th.

Effective date of employment: To be determined

Salary: As per LSAA contract

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