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Librarian/Library Department Coordinator

New Trier High School




  1. Illinois State Board of Education Professional Educator License with administrative endorsement, or out-of-state equivalent

  2. Currently or ability to become Illinois State Board of Education Qualified Evaluator

  3. Minimum five years of experience as a librarian at the secondary level

  4. Master's/advanced degree in Library Science or equivalent

  5. Knowledge of content area, best practice for assessment, and instructional practices

  6. Knowledge of content, contemporary instructional technology, and skills in staff supervision/evaluation

  7. Demonstration of collaborative leadership



  • Demonstrates vision and provides leadership in the creation of shared beliefs and values around student learning.
  • Collaborates with the Department Chair at Winnetka for department planning and processes.
  • Involves the department in furthering the school’s vision of student intellectual and emotional growth.
  • Conducts needs assessments and uses data to make decisions and plan for school improvement.
  • Explores, implements and assesses educational concepts that enhance student learning.
  • Understands the change process and leads the department in changes essential to improving student learning.
  • Advances the profession through participation in local, state and national professional groups.
  • Participates actively on school-based leadership teams, attending weekly meetings of the Department Leaders and other groups as designated.
  • Provide a consistent and visible campus presence and leadership.

Curriculum and Instruction

  • Works with staff and all other stakeholders to identify a curriculum framework and essential understanding that supports the mission and goals of the school.
  • Establishes and implements a process for the annual review and modification of the curriculum.
  • Demonstrates knowledge of the department’s curriculum and instruction goals to all stakeholders; serves as the spokesperson on curricular matters.
  • Engages the staff in the study and implementation of effective teaching practices.
  • Acts as a master teacher for the department by demonstrating a commitment to learning, modeling professionalism and respect for others, and modeling competence in content and pedagogy.
  • Encourages staff to create professional networks both within and outside the school.
  • Facilitates articulation with the sender schools.

Supervision and Evaluation

  • Works collaboratively to set and maintain standards of effective teaching.
  • Uses both formative and summative staff evaluation procedures to improve teaching.
  • Demonstrates skill in giving feedback to staff about their teaching by:
    • Visiting classes and preparing observation reports.
    • Preparing and sharing non-tenured and tenured teacher summative evaluations.
    • Preparing and sharing scale movement evaluations.
  • Develops, plans, and offers resources for teacher growth and development.
  • Develops an assessment system that reports student learning and analyzes the data to ensure that the school’s educational goals are met.

Organizational Management

  • Facilitates the screening and hiring of department personnel.
  • Manages the master schedule at Northfield.
  • Supervise the Northfield Campus budget.
  • Supervises the use and maintenance of facilities, equipment, supplies, and book orders.
  • Advocates for the department with administration and guidance personnel, with parents and within the community, and in special projects for administration.

Communication Skills

  • Demonstrates mediation skills in working with staff.
  • Articulates beliefs persuasively, effectively explains decisions, checks for understanding, and behaves in ways that reflects these beliefs and decisions.
  • Writes and speaks clearly and concisely so the intended audience understands the message being conveyed.
  • Demonstrates skill in giving and receiving feedback.
  • Opens lines of communication between and among staff on both campuses.

Group Processes

  • Understands group dynamics and applies effective group process skills.
  • Establishes a framework for collaborative action; fosters collaboration.
  • Implements appropriate decision-making and conflict resolution techniques.
  • Works to build consensus both as a leader and as a member of a group.
  • Provides a balance among institutional, departmental, and personal goals.
  • Creates and maintains a safe teaching and learning environment that fosters reflection, experimentation, and growth.
  • Recognizes and affirms all department members and encourages them to take risks.
  • Supports teacher efforts to grow professionally and personally.

Additional Responsibilities:

  • Teach students to evaluate and use information resources critically, effectively, and creatively.
  • Lead classroom research instruction and provide individual guidance to help students locate resources and engage in effective research techniques.
  • Collaborate with faculty and staff to provide curriculum support by use of library resources.
  • Create an atmosphere conducive to research, learning, and student collaboration.
  • Provide leadership, orientation, and training in the use of changing information resources.
  • Stays abreast of trends in media and news, media literacy, information, and education.
  • Supports the District’s strategic initiatives in their work as a librarian and faculty member
  • Creates a welcoming environment in the library and supervises students and spaces, when assigned by the supervisor
  • Select materials in a variety of formats to support the curriculum and promote lifelong learning.
  • Participate in maintaining and improving connections to institutions, associations, and resources in the area, region and state.
  • Takes responsibility for ongoing professional development.
  • Other duties as assigned by the supervisor.
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